Designing a Robotic Arm to be controlled by Arduino.
Samples of what I have modeled in my CAD class at NJIT or during my own time.
Samples of what I have made in my CAD class and an introductory design course at NJIT.
Samples of analyses done during edX program and simulations class at NJIT.
Samples of drawings made during a CAD class in NJIT.
Samples of some scripts I have written for my edX class and other projects.
Samples of HTML pages I have made for my edX class, stylized with CSS.
MATLAB work from research experience.
Samples of code from Codecademy course.
Senior design project to create a tilt mechanism to help patients in and out of a wheelchair.
Project for drone science class to develop a firefighting launcher attachment for a standard F450 drone frame.
Designing a Robotic Arm to be controlled by Arduino.
Created a Christmas scene as a gift for a friend using an Arduino, 3D prints, and other parts.
Designing and printing parts for home use.
Projects done during my machine learning course at NJIT.
Autonomous vehicle research project to alter images.
Final project to create a ball joint assembly in SolidWorks.
Project during first half of graduate CAD course.
Reverse engineering project for freshman Engineering Design class.
Project over quarantine using Raspberry Pi and WS2812B LED Strips.
Description of work on this website and GitHub link.
The NJIT String Ensemble Winter Concert for the Fall 2020 semester edited into a virtual concert.